Saturday, March 24, 2012

So Cool.

Late this afternoon I went to Mom and Dad's to do laundry. I didn't leave until after 6:00 and on the way home, I had two grocery store stops to make. I buy most things at ALDI, but a few things aren't available there, so I always have to go to Giant too. Giant came first on my homeward journey, so I went in there and found the few things I needed. By the time I was leaving, it was 7:13, and ALDI closed at 8:00. I knew I could make it; it is only a few miles. But I was still a little nervous about cutting it so close. I never like to still be shopping in there when 8:00 hits.

On my way out of Giant's parking lot, I stopped at the traffic light for just a moment, then made an easy right turn. The next traffic light was already a green arrow, and I turned and got right onto the highway. As the next light approached, about a half mile away, I watched it turn green and saw the line of cars start to move through. By the time I got there, it was still green and the traffic had loosened so that I barely had to slow down. I assumed we'd all get jammed up at the next light, but somehow, it was green too. I breezed through, merged onto the off-ramp, then onto the next road, and in a few more minutes, I was at ALDI.

After the first already-green light: "Thanks, God! That was convenient!"
After the second already-green light: A big smile "Hooray!"
After the third already-green light: Almost laughing, "That was so cool."

God cares about traffic lights. And I think He laughed tonight too when He gave me three green ones in a row. What a delightful reminder of how much He cares for us.

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