Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dum Dum

Tuesday night Husband and I were on our way to class at church. Coming up the hill past the cemetery, we saw a wolfish looking dog, a beautiful creature, crossing the road. We slowed down, stopped, and the dog came right up to the car. I opened the door, and she put her head in toward me. Not seeing any drool or crazed look in her eyes, I pet her and looked for a collar. Nothing. Her icy blue eyes told me she was a Husky. We pulled into the nearest driveway, and walked to the door to see if this was her home.

At the doorbell ring, a man with glasses and a short black ponytail came to the door. He looked like a short Johnny Depp.

"Is this your dog?"

"Yes, it is. Thanks guys."

"Sure. We just saw her out in the road."

"Yeah, she's been doing that. Come in here, Dum Dum. Hey, thanks again."

"No problem. Have a great night."

Dum Dum. I'm pretty sure it was a nickname to emphasize her folly in road-crossing. But it would be cute if it were her given name.

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