Tuesday, June 28, 2011


A few delicious things my lunch bag has held recently:

1. Vanilla yogurt topped with frozen raspberries. I put this together in the morning and as the raspberries thaw, they create a bright pink juice that mixes with the yogurt. The result is a scrumptious raspberry yogurt with whole berries in it. Mmm.

2. Mini cucumbers. I discovered these at ALDI this week, bought a bag of five for $1.99, and LOVE them. Chop off the ends, pack a tiny container of ranch dip... it's a perfect, healthy side.

3. Sharp Cheddar with Wheat Thins. Party food? Maybe. Perfect lunch? Yes. I love this combination and it's so much easier than making a sandwich. Just a baggie of crackers, and a baggie of cheese pieces... the ideal finger food lunch.

4. Chicken Salad Sandwich. I love making chicken salad. Love it. Take a few breasts, slice them into large-ish "fingers," spread them in a baking dish and glaze with ranch dressing. Bake at 350 for maybe a half hour or so until they're no longer pink inside when sliced. Meanwhile, chop up a cup or so of red grapes. Make sure they're crisp. Chop up a few stalks of celery, maybe four or five. Limpish celery is alright, actually. Toast some chopped pecans in a little skillet on the stove. Just stir them constantly until you start to smell their hot nuttiness. That's when they're done. Put the grapes, celery, and pecans into a big mixing bowl. When the chicken is done, let it cool, then shred it with your fingers into the bowl. Add about a half-cup of mayonnaise, stir, then add ranch dressing until it's as wet as you want it. Some Original Perfect Pinch is a good addition too, or just some black pepper and basil. It's best on homemade toasted white bread, but summer isn't really bread-making season. Some multi-grain bread will work well too.

Nothing saves a wretched day like a delightful lunch in the middle of it.

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